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Version: 0.3.x

Individual use

Direct render

You are able to import single or few icon data for reduce file size to load.

import React from "react";
import StarOutlined from "@svgr-iconkit/fontawesome5/icons/regular/star";
import StarFilled from "@svgr-iconkit/fontawesome5/icons/solid/star";
import StarHalf from "@svgr-iconkit/fontawesome5/icons/regular/star-half-alt";
import { Icon } from "@svgr-iconkit/core";

function RatingStarItem({minValue = 1, value = 0, ...props}) {
const content = React.useMemo(() => {
if ( value >= minValue ) {
return StarFilled
} else if ( value >= minValue - 0.5) {
return StarHalf
return StarOutlined;

}, [minValue, value]);
return <Icon content={content} {...props} />